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Order summary
Add terms and conditions
Best Value
Green Weekend - 1 Year Unlimited
Cash or Check only
Valid for 12 months
Cash or Check only, 5% will be invoiced if using a Card
30% off Yoga Mats
Unlimited Yoga with a varied collection of teachers
$100 Credit for yoga mat and yoga accessories
Best Value
Gold Membership
Every month
Unlimited yoga membership
Valid until canceled
Unlimited yoga classes
Automated payments
30% off Yoga Mats
Members Only open studio time
One, free guest pass per month
$15 off Sweet Willow Skincare Facials each month
Option to put membership on hold twice per year
Cancel anytime
Best Value
62+ Years of Life!
Every month
An unlimited membership for those counting more than 62 of amazing life
Valid until canceled
Unlimited yoga classes
Automated payments
30% off yoga mats
Members Only open studio time
$15 off Sweet Willow Skincare Facials each month
Option to put membership on hold twice per year
Cancel anytime
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Are you in need of financial assistance to pay for yoga?
Are you a full time adult student?
Please fill out our "Pay What You Can" membership application.
Everyone deserves to be able to afford to practice and have a safe place to land.